May 15, 2015

Fantastic monsters

Maybe about a year ago (yes, that's how long I prepared this.), I was browsing through my subscriptions box on YouTube when I stumbled upon PJ Liguori's (KickThePj), video entitled Fantastic Monster Tag and it inspired me to hop on to the tag as well. Although PJ said to make in a video form, I decided to be a little bit rebellious and blog it instead.

So here I present to you my entry for the:

F A N T A S T I C   M O N S T E R   T A G

"Take your top 5 favorite monsters that you come into contact with on a daily basis."

The first monster, Prince Flutellini Lumbricina

May 10, 2015

Can You See Me? | Stories

Yes, yet again another story that includes the moon. I won't spoil anything that's written so you can read it with no expectations whatsoever. I'm sorry in advance for having such a long post but I hope you enjoy!


C a n  Y o u  S e e  M e ?

image source

May 6, 2015

I Was On Top Of The World.

About a month ago, I joined a trekking* trip with my sister and her friends to Mount Pinatubo which was extremely exhausting and tiring but all of the pain and sweat was worth it when we finally reached the top. (or middle, since we went to the crater lake.)
*trekking is like hiking, but more of an on-foot journey.

This part was when we were currently walking up to a fUCKI** 100-SOMETHING STEPPED STAIRS