Feb 28, 2014

Counting down- Hello March,

Day after day I didn't come think that time was really actually ticking fast. So fast, that I didn't even feel February came by. Everything was like in fast-forward all of the sudden and I wasted so much time that I could have used to do something fun.

Feb 23, 2014

The Little Box, | Stories

About 8:00 PM or so last night, I was sitting in my bed (and was bored as hell) when suddenly I got inspired to write this little story which I claim to have finished writing the whole thing within about 5 minutes.

T h e  L i t t l e  B o x

Feb 22, 2014

Older by the minute

I can't stand the fact that everybody gets a little older in every darn second that comes. I still remember those days when I can fit myself inside a big fat box and my older sister would pull the box throughout the whole house and act as if the box was a car. Now, that box doesn't even fit half of my body and still I'm growing.